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5. Best Montana Trail?

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4. Off-Roading and Fossils

Walthall Family Solo Series • 12m

Up Next in Walthall Family Solo Series

  • 5. Best Montana Trail?

    The Walthalls are at it again as they make their way to Fort Peck for beautiful camping and the hope of slaying some big fish! The family decides to take a risk and explore what could be the best overlanding trail in Montana. Bryan and Megan use the opportunity back at camp to show the kids how i...

  • 6. Floating the Smith River, MT

    Turning around after a dead end, the Walthall Family decides to drive the Missouri Breaks Trail in Montana. This trail brings a lot of driving fun with a river crossing they won’t forget! The weather sets in but this overlanding family won’t let it get in the way of enjoying themselves on the cov...

  • 7. Big Truck, Small Trail

    This week the Walthalls make their way to the Bighorn mountains where they experience epic wildlife encounters and navigate a trail primarily only meant for ATV’s! A fun water-crossing and epic camp spot make this another chapter you don’t want to miss!