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6. Floating the Smith River, MT

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5. Best Montana Trail?

Walthall Family Solo Series • 15m

Up Next in Walthall Family Solo Series

  • 6. Floating the Smith River, MT

    Turning around after a dead end, the Walthall Family decides to drive the Missouri Breaks Trail in Montana. This trail brings a lot of driving fun with a river crossing they won’t forget! The weather sets in but this overlanding family won’t let it get in the way of enjoying themselves on the cov...

  • 7. Big Truck, Small Trail

    This week the Walthalls make their way to the Bighorn mountains where they experience epic wildlife encounters and navigate a trail primarily only meant for ATV’s! A fun water-crossing and epic camp spot make this another chapter you don’t want to miss!

  • 8. Big Horn Beauty

    This week the Walthall’s continue their exploration and overlanding of the expansive Big Horn Mountains. With a full month of living on the road, this family settles into finding great campsites and exploring every ounce of the wild they can. They meet up with some family for a quick peek at a 10...