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6. Tundra Update & Driving the Washington BDR

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5. The First Ever Ladies Trip to Drive the Dunes

The Overlander Series • 23m

Up Next in The Overlander Series

  • 6. Tundra Update & Driving the Washin...

    Jeff gives an update on the Tundra and the team heads to Washington to explore the Washington Backroad Discovery Route or WBDR with the youngest team member to date!

  • 7. Wrapping up Northwest Overland Ral...

    The team hangs out at the Northwest Overland Rally, grabs the rest of the family, even the dog, and heads out to finish the Washington backcountry discovery route! Be sure to put this trail on your list as it is a fun one to drive, the scenery is epic, and the campsites are great! This is one fam...

  • 8. Backpacking Montana & Training up ...

    The team picks up some new members as they explore Montana by foot and by vehicle! A lighting storm rolls in as the team is cooking dinner, forcing them off the mountain. The Croft boys go along on this adventure and Ryan & Megan meet the team on motorcycle for a fun filled weekend!

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