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5. Bucket Lists and Transitions

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Up Next in The Nordic Series: Season 5

  • 5. Bucket Lists and Transitions

    After experiencing WWII battlefields and the power of European history, the team is ready to have fun!

    First, they give Kurt Williams a proper send-off with a special night in camp before he boards a plane bound for home.

    Now, it’s time for his protege, Cyrus, to step up to the plate and show t...

  • 6. The Faroe Islands: Counting Days a...

    Phase Two of the Nordic Expedition is underway!

    Having left mainland Europe on a ferry bound for Iceland, the team faces a pivotal decision: Go straight to The Land of Fire and Ice or disembark at the Faroe Islands?

    Clay has some doubts about their choice to get off the boat in the Faroes but ...

  • 7. The Land of Fire and Ice: Iceland

    Our dream of overlanding Iceland has been thirteen years in the making, and when our trucks roll off of this ferry, we begin to live it.

    Having completed our journey through Northern Europe and our week in the Faroe Islands, the team is ready for this epic final phase of the Nordic Expedition.