Zero to Hero: In-depth vehicle build by XOVERLAND

Zero to Hero: In-depth vehicle build by XOVERLAND

Have you ever wanted to build yourself an awesome overlanding vehicle but weren't sure where to start?

In this new masterclass series exclusively on the XOVERLAND Network, Expedition Overland's Clay Croft, and Shop Manager, Tanner Johnson, share a comprehensive strategy to take your vehicle from "Zero" to "Hero" along with tips and tricks for smooth work around the shop.

This D.I.Y. themed series is a perfect fit for anyone interested in building an overlanding vehicle, whether you're new to the overlanding truck-building world or interested in learning new skills to take your game to the next level.

Starting with a bone-stock 1996 3rd Generation Toyota 4Runner with 196,000 miles, Clay and Tanner work through the process of a "Progressive Build" in three distinct stages, finishing with a fully-built overlanding vehicle capable of comfortably and reliably traveling to and through the world's most remote locations.

Whether you decide your vehicle is finished after Stage 1 or you intend to transform your vehicle into an all-out "Hero" by finishing all of the steps through the end of Stage 3, you'll learn what you need to build the overlanding vehicle that will meet your needs and get you out on the trail with confidence!

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Zero to Hero: In-depth vehicle build by XOVERLAND
  • 1. BASIC UPFIT: Mechanical Repairs and Upgrades

    Tanner and Clay begin the project of taking a 1996 3rd Gen 4Runner from “Zero to Hero.”

    Stage 1 of the build is what we refer to as a “Basic Up-fit.”

    In Episode 1, we complete Phase 1 of Stage 1: “Mechanical Repairs and Upgrades.” The goal of this first step in the progressive build process i...

  • 2. CAMP LIFE: Gear and Upgrades for Camping

    In episode 2, we complete Stage 1 of the build: “The Basic Upfit" where we've added modifications that facilitate overland travel, livability, and camp life.

    Here, we create an overland vehicle that allows you to thrive on the road and trail. To realize that goal with our Gen 3 4Runner, we bega...

  • 3. PERFORMANCE UPGRADES: Armor and Livability

    Episode 3 features Stage 2 of our progressive build, where we take our 1996 4Runner from the level of “Basic Upfit” to a vehicle with next-level overlanding capability. The focus becomes improved mechanical performance, additional liveability and camp life accessories, and armor to protect the ve...

  • 4. NEXT-LEVEL: Livability and Mechanical Options

    Stage 2 of our build concludes here. Here, we enhance livability and camp life even more and improve mechanical performance in the vital area of tire inflation management. This build level is just below a “Hero” build and might suit your needs perfectly! Uncover pro tips, including best practices...

  • 5. SUPERCHARGE YOUR BUILD: A hero is emerging

    In Episode 5, we're undertaking the final stage of our progressive build: The “Hero” Stage. We're optimizing the truck in all areas: Mechanical Performance, Liveability, and Camp Life. We start with adding a significant increase to engine performance by installing a supercharger and snorkel air i...

  • 6. A HERO IS BORN: This overlanding machine is wheels up!

    Episode 6 features final lifestyle upgrades. A Goose Gear Seat Delete takes camp life comfort all the way to the top, and we finish our series with a test run for our new overland build. Our 1996 4Runner Limited is ready to travel the Pan-American Highway (and back)! Now, the big question: What i...

  • Zero to Hero Action-Taker's Workbook [CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PDF]

    1.62 MB

    This workbook is a valuable tool to plan, take notes, and track costs of your own build.
    Print it out or make your notes directly in the PDF.
    You'll also find links to products we suggest and pro-shop tips to save you time, money and frustration when tackling your own truck.