'Lawn Hill & the Long Drive East' - OUTBACK QUEENSLAND
9m 12s
6,000kms across Outback Queensland's far western reaches brought us to Lawn Hill National Park. Exploring the oasis of Lawn Hill gave us a chance to recoup, recharge and wait for the state border with the Northern Territory to re-open. By now, we're pretty comfortable with plans changing on the fly. With the unexpected news of Cape York re-opening for outside traffic, we couldn't pass up the chance to explore a quiet Cape York whilst the seasons were right and we were so close, relatively speaking. With that, we pointed the Landcruiser northeast and put in some big miles to Cairns and the Atherton Tablelands. We will return to the west and start the Northern Territory leg of Australia in the not-too-distant future. For now, we're headed to the most northerly tip of Australia.