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75. Dakar Rally and Overlanding? A Conversation with Off-Road Coach, Jim...

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76. Tour or Adventure? Joe Fleming of BONAFIDE Moto Co. South Africa

The XOVERLAND Podcast • 1h 25m

Up Next in The XOVERLAND Podcast

  • 75. Dakar Rally and Overlanding? A Co...

    Considered by many in motorsport to be the world’s toughest race, the Dakar Rally is renowned for the extreme off-road challenges it poses for both motorcyclists and drivers alike. Described as not just the biggest Rally Raid in the world, but as “an incomparable human adventure,” this year’s Dak...


    Many of us in the traveling and outdoor adventure community currently parenting or considering becoming parents wonder about this pivotal question: Can I take my kids out of school to join me on an epic adventure?

    To help find the answers, the team at XOVERLAND has brought together three guests...

  • 73. Is Wild Camping Legal? Overlandin...

    “Outdoor Recreation Planner” for the BLM (Bureau of Land Management), Erik Lundin, joins us on this episode to discuss all things associated with recreating and adventuring on BLM lands.

    Whether we’re overlanding, fishing or hunting, bicycling, heading out on horseback, riding motorcycles, rive...

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