The overlanding industry is far bigger than an individual or a family, it’s a fully developed industry with people working jobs from sales to being mechanics and marketers. This episodes guest is Nicky Van Rooyen, Adrian’s mechanic and good friend who has chosen to be a part of the overlanding world, working at a 4x4 company he hosts 4x4 days, attends Expo’s and helps with camping trips for product testing and marketing, showing a different side of the world of Overlanding. we will be exploring the Garden Route of Southern Africa with. Nicky and his family have been adventuring around Southern Africa in their nearly 30 year old Landcruiser, since they bought it and show us that anything can be an adventure and fit into whatever budget you have. Welcome back to South Africa!
Up Next in Season 1 - Driven by Mobil 1
Onward and Upward!
A whirlwind 40,000km journey comes to an end, Adrian reflects on the amazing adventures and guests he encountered along the way, sharing what he learned and how it has influenced his trajectory ahead. There is no better way to reflect then head out to camp on the shore of the wild Atlantic Ocean,...
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