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4. Perspective/ Valdez

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Up Next in Expedition Overland: Alaska/Yukon

  • 4. Perspective/ Valdez

    Watch as the crew leaves their beloved Toyota trucks behind and head out in the open waters of Valdez, Alaska, viewing the incredible glaciers, icebergs and sea life. The team has settled into overlanding life and is excited for what's next on the road! Make sure to watch to the end...

  • 5. Hunting Glaciers

    The XO team pushes for an epic camp spot below a Glacier. Their first river crossing is on point but heavy vehicles, rivers, and navigation become challenges to the crew. The XO team must make some important decisions to keep the team safe.

  • 6. The Denali Highway

    The overland adventure continues on through one of the best drives in America. The Denali Highway. Some of the crew experiences heli flight for the first time. The team experiences the worst and best campsite of their trip thus far. In a remote part of the Denali Highway this overlanding crew swa...